Monday, July 11, 2005

Update & School - Long Post (Part 1)

During my clinic day at the school on June 30th, I told the director of the school that I’ll be doing some of my case studies at my chiropractor’s clinic starting on July 11th on real-life patients from his clinic, she very quickly set it up so that I could start taking the classes called “Practitioner Skills”. Normally students at this point in the curriculum aren’t advanced enough to take this class. It’s usually taken closer to the completion of the Aromatherapy and Alternative Health Care Practitioner courses. But seeing as I’m doing so well in class and moving ahead rather quickly, she is going to push me through the program as quickly as possible so I can get out there.

She told me that I keep surprising her at how quickly and well I’m doing in school. After telling me that I’m a natural for this and expected me to be teaching this class in the future, I will still a little in shock. She also added that my enthusiasm, passion, and drive are infectious and refreshing. Praise from Trish Green does not come easily as she’s very militant about technique, facts, and details, so when you do get praise, it is genuine. She has nothing to gain by it as we’ve already paid for the classes and isn’t trying to “sell” anything.

The rest of the clinic day went rather well. I gave one Aromatherapy treatment to a fellow student which I used as one of my case studies, and received an “Indian Head Massage” that was out of this world. I don’t know if any of you ever meditate as I do, but this massage was unbelievable. I don’t know if it was the massage or the music that was playing in the background, but I managed to not only meditate, but very deeply. I didn’t fall asleep, but went into an extreme state of relaxation. I was aware of activity around me, but it never distracted me from the wonderful and peaceful world I had entered. If you are ever stressed… this is for you. For more info on Indian Head Massage, here’s a link:

Indian Head Massage

I was told by one of the supervising teachers and the director Trish, that I did extremely well on the clinic day and I should be proud of myself. I’ve never been one to brag or be proud, in fact quite the opposite. I usually show self-doubt and insecurity. For some reason when it comes to this whole alternative health care field, I feel confident that I will do well and be able to help many people. I decided to get a copy of the CD that was playing during my treatment so that I could help bring others to this wonderful state that I had experienced. It is called “SPA” by Hennie Bekker. Very good indeed.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of last week was the class “Practitioner Skills”. WOW!!!! Super intensive!!!!! I was up late each of those nights re-writing my notes and preparing for the next day. Monday and Tuesday were basically teaching us what we need to ask and look for during an Evaluation of a client’s Medical History prior to their first treatment. It was also filled with tons of psychology. I managed to breeze through the psychology portion, mostly thanks to my 6 months of classes that I took at Centenary Health Centre during my horrible bought with depression. The classes in Stress Management, Self Esteem, Coping Skills, Assertiveness, Creative Expression, Family, Communication, Relaxation Exercises, & Tai Chi, along with Group Therapy and One-on-One Counseling not only helped me through a rough time and taught me the skills I needed to learn, cope, and get over my own issues, insecurities, and depression, but gave me a head start in this program. In fact, I had more knowledge than Trish in some areas of this subject. I was the only student in this class that was a “newbie” as the rest of the students were all at the end of their school programs and now were at the point of doing their board exams.

Some even questioned why I was in the class, but soon realized that I belonged here and came to me with questions on the psych portion of the class. I was told by one of the senior students that I should have considered a field in psychology. I think this makes 8 different people from different areas of my life that have all told me that I should have been a psychologist. Geez… as if I really have the time, money or energy to go to that level of schooling… no thanks. As much as I love it, I don’t have the patience for it. I want to get back out in the work force as soon as possible, not spend the next 4-5 years in school. I’ll just keep what I’ve learned and use it as a tool to help guide people to the professionals in this area that can help them better.

We also did role playing on Tuesday to practice our interview skills. I did pretty good for a newbie… LOL. There was some heavy psych discussions regarding depression and suicidal people. It kind of triggered some unpleasant feelings and memories in many of my classmates including myself. That night I did a lot of deep thought on things from the past and how I overcame them with the help of so many supportive and loving people. I also redesigned my own “Medical History” form. I took parts of the school’s form, my chiropractor’s form, and my massage therapist’s form and merged them into my own form with my own additions for my future professional use.

Wednesday I showed Trish my form and she thought it was great. Made a few suggestions such as more writing space in certain areas, but other than that she thought it was quite good. Fellow classmates were asking for copies, so I e-mailed them the form Wednesday night. Today’s class day was GREAT. We were to do an actually medical history interview on a fellow patient and prepare an aromatherapy blend for their personal needs. As this was no longer role playing but “FOR REAL” for a person with “REAL” problems, the mood of the day was much more professional.

We were paired up with people and the interview was underway. It went very well, and again, I was taken aside by Trish and told that I surprised her yet again. She told me that seeing as I hadn’t taken either of the two “Blending Essential Oils” classes yet, she would help me select and prepare the blend needed for the patient. WAY COOL!!!

The classroom was buzzing as everyone was preparing their oil blends. Aromas filled the classroom and we were excitedly smelling each other’s blends. It got so intense that at one point Trish had asked us all to go outside and get some fresh air before we overdose on all the oils and get a headache. That night I slept like a rock. For the first time in almost a year, I slept right through from 10:30 PM until 6:30 AM without waking at my usual time of 3:30 AM to use the bathroom. It’s been that way ever since. Things are definitely changing in my body … WOOO HOOO !!!!

For more information on my school and it's programs, click here:

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