Monday, July 18, 2005


Ok… Today was a day that I wish I could forget. Many changes are going to happen from here on in for both Jason and I when it comes to our chiropractic treatments. I had my Osteopath and Massage therapy appointments at the other clinic today and afterwards, headed over to the Chiropractor’s clinic to do my second treatment on my patient for the Case Study.

I got there a little early to make sure the room I was using was all set up and ready for her. Tonight, the Chiropractor (Ed) is having an Open House and would like me to stay for it to explain to prospective new patients, the benefits of all my treatments and how it has helped me.

I figured, no problem. He’s helped change my life so very much and by allowing me to use one of his spare treatment rooms for my case studies, I owed him at least this.

I got to the clinic, set up the room, and waited for my patient to show up. Then the darkness came. My chiropractor's wife (the clinic's director) arrived at the clinic. I don't claim to be psychic, but I felt this darkness or negativity surrounding her when she walked in. A series of events occurred afterwards and the rudeness and coldness that she gave me were overwhelming.

I tried to ground and centre myself as much as I could, but the darkness overcame me. I felt emotional, hurt, angry and all the negative feelings you could imagine. I wasn't prepared for this. It came so unexpectedly. Yes, her husband was doing me a favor by letting me use one of the treatment rooms, but I am also a paying patient as is Jason.

We had spent quite a large sum of money for treatments there over the last year, and I was there that day to help promote his business. Silly me, I thought when you try to help someone that there would be gratitude in return, not rudeness. I was completely overwhelmed and had to leave early. She glared at me as her husband thanked me for helping and being there. I sat in my truck for awhile to compose myself as I was extremely angry. The anger turned to hurt and I couldn't hold back the tears.

As soon as I felt better, I drove home. No point in getting into an accident because my mind wasn’t on my driving. After I composed myself I went home, telephoned Jason to let him know all that happened and he was incredibly shocked. I’ll post more on this later as we both still have to figure out what exactly we are going to do next.

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