Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The End of an Era & Reality :-(

Saturday night Jason and I decided to finally go and see Star Wars 3. The movie had been out since May 19th, but we wanted to wait for the lines to die out and rewatch Star Wars 1, 2, and the animated series Clone Wars, before seeing the movie.

Even though we were ready for quite a while to go see it, for some reason I kept stalling. I finally figured out why. Seeing Star Wars 3, would be the end. The end of an Era, the end of the Saga, the end of STAR WARS!!!

The movie was great. I enjoyed every second of it. When it was over, both Jason and I were kind’ve sad. There’s nothing left. It’s finished! There is no more Star Wars, no more Star Trek on TV, no more Babylon 5, nothing.

Being the Sci-Fi junkies that we are, the only thing left for us is Battlestar Galactica. Season 2 starts this fall, and that’s pretty much the only thing we have left to look forward to where Sci-Fi is concerned.

Sure there will be stuff to watch on TV this fall that is ok. We always enjoy the CSI’s, 24, Medium, and Desperate Housewives. But they aren’t shows that I rush home to watch or would be upset if I missed, or felt the need to record while away. Sooo… TV will be a little glum this year outside of Battlestar… the only thing we really, really can’t miss.

Is Sci-Fi losing popularity? I sure hope not. Real life is not all it’s cracked up to be and watching Reality shows are really not my thing. I guess I hate the fact that they call them “reality” when they’re scripted. True reality would be soooo boring. Who wants to watch a day in the life of a Burger King worker, or a day at the assembly line, or the exciting nightlife of a single person that comes home to an empty apartment and has a frozen meal for dinner. Yeah… reality isn’t as exciting as Hollywood would lead us to believe. Just look around and see if the events going on around you would make good television.

Ok... off I go to the clinic for my first "real" aromatherapy patient... woooo hooo :-) AND IT'S NOT A MAN!!!! hehehehehe.

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