Sunday, May 29, 2005

You'd think we had kids or something

Activity_center 003
Originally uploaded by drazaelb.
Our shopping bill today contained items such as an "activity center" and a "play ball". We're desperately trying to find something to keep Ashley entertained. She's desperately trying to find ways to escape to the outside. She hasn't yet figured out a way to hitchhike along with the dog when he goes out for a walk, but it's probably just a matter of time. The reason her boredom is a problem is that she complains about it. Often. Loudly.

Unfortunately, Ashley wasn't as impressed with the activity center as Pierre was. Her main source of entertainment was trying to attack Pierre's back through the bag, but that didn't last too long. Maybe we'll try putting some catnip inside the bag and let them fight it out.

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