Thursday, May 26, 2005

New project idea

As it turns out, we happen to have two Nokia cell phones just sitting around not doing anything. We were planning on giving them away, but maybe I'll try taking one apart and using the parts to make up a display.

pcd8544 based displays (serdisplib)

This would make a really nifty display in zathras to keep track of things like drive space free, CPU usage, network throughput, or anything else worth keeping track of. The monitor usually isn't powered on, so an LCD display in the case would be really handy. There's even Linux software available to drive it.

Or, there are many more expensive (and easier) hardware options available as kits. Check the "supported hardware" section on the LCDProc site. I've looked at the CrystalFontz (sic) displays before.

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