Monday, May 23, 2005

Victoria Day camping

Originally uploaded by drazaelb.
We went camping over the long weekend. The weather cooperated beautifully. The forecast called for rain, but the worst we got was clouds and grey skies today. Friday and Saturday were glorious. Not too hot, a bit on the cool side at night, but not bad.

Dakota seems to be adjusting more to camping than he had in the past. We're working on teaching him that he doesn't need to bark incessantly at every dog and child he sees.

We had a very nice and relaxing weekend. There's something about sitting and staring at a campfire that seems to tap in to some primal instinct. My theory is sitting around a fire was a survival trait in early cavemen, and the desire to do so was naturally passed down to those of us living today. This might also explain why television and computer screens are so endlessly fascinating.

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