Tuesday, May 24, 2005

10 Things to Do With Old PCs

An article on PC Magazine's site. This is supposed to be an instructional and informative article helping people figure out what to do with their old computers that they have no use for any more.

10 Things to Do With Old PCs

10. Learn networking: done that
9. Make a Multimedia Player: already had that idea (living room PC), just haven't ever had a chance to get it set up
8. Try Multiplayer Games: who has time for games?
7. Install Linux: done that, several times
6. Make a Printer/File/Web Server: done that, it's name is zathras
5. Donate: a la Freecycle. Already gave Jon a bunch of junk anyway.
4. Take It Apart: yawn. Been building my own from parts since '92.
3. Strip It: thought about that, hardly seems worth the effort to make two or three bucks per component on eBay.
2. Turn It Into an Aquarium: now we're talking
1. Recycle it: again, like Freecycle. The Google ads here came up with some interesting links, they might make a good place to start when looking for other people's old recycled junk :-).

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