Friday, August 19, 2005

Did you know hornets eat duct tape?

So I was out in the back yard the other night with the dog, and happened to look over at the kitchen window where we have the air conditioner installed. As the A/C doesn't fit exactly in the window, I used some pieces of styrofoam to fill in the space around it, and sealed up the gaps with duct tape.

Apparently we have another hornet nest in the cracks in the house. What surprised me was that one of these stupid hornets was sitting on the edge of the duct tape, eating it! I ran to get my camera and tried to get a picture of this behavior, but the stupid things wouldn't cooperate. This was the best I could get:

Or, in case you can't make it out:

This sounds like a job for (cue drum roll)...

Oh, sorry. I always get the stupid French side first. Like I was saying, this sounds like a job for (re-cue drum roll)...

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