Monday, June 05, 2006

Back to the gym

Well, I managed to make it back to the gym this morning. A week and a half between workouts, clearly that's not going to cut it. Today I did the same time at a higher setting on the bike, plus got back on some of the other machines that I didn't do last time. I remember these machines being a lot easier than they were this morning. It seems I have been away for a while.

I'm going to have to figure out a better schedule for when to work out. I didn't get to the gym this morning until around 9:15, then after working out and showering I got to the office for 10:45, so I have to stay here until 7:15. Norah and I are trying to stick to an "early to bed, early to rise" schedule in preparation for our drive out to Colorado. Saturday evening we realized that we're going to need to start adjusting our sleeping schedules for the trip. We want to try to get up around 3:00 AM each morning while we're traveling so we can get where we're going before the weather turns too hot each day. That also means we're going to need to be getting to bed earlier. We have five weeks to adjust to the early schedule. Currently we're aiming to be in bed by 9:00 PM and up by 5:00 AM. We're not quite there yet, but we are doing better than our standard midnight bedtime during the week and 2:00 AM on weekends. We have to hit the 9:00 bedtime pretty quickly, because then we have to start bringing it back a half hour at a time if we want to hit our target for the trip.

It's going to be pretty difficult to be in bed by 9:00 when I have to work until 7:15. Add time to drive home, eat dinner, walk the dog, etc. and it gets past bedtime really quickly. Obviously I really need to work on the "getting my butt out the door in the morning" phase of the day. I'm thinking I might shift my workouts to the evening after work. That's what I used to do when I was working with the personal trainer, just because it was the only time I could get an appointment with him. It might make more sense to tire myself out with a workout just before going to bed, as opposed to tiring myself out just before going to the office.

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