Tuesday, May 30, 2006

August came early this year

The news this morning said the temperature is forecast to hit 34° C today (that's 93° F) with a humidex of 42° C (that's 107° F). The government has issued heat and smog advisories, which is a polite way of saying "don't bother trying to breathe today."

I hate humidity. I'd rather have 120° desert heat than this oppressive soup that Toronto calls air. You can't run, you can't hide, you can't sit in the shade, you can't spray yourself with water because all that does is makes it more humid. The only thing you can do is run the air conditioner, which gets really expensive really quickly, and is apparently going to lead to another blackout like the one we had in 2003.

The only thing worse than humidity is humidity with pollution. There are no clouds, but visibility is down to a mile or so just because of all the garbage in the air, which the enviro-Nazis would have you believe is because of cars ("OH NOES!!! CARS ARE TEH EVIL!!!11!!!one!!!!!"). Never mind that the government micro-manages every gram of exhaust that comes out of everyone's cars but as far as I can tell they're not actually interested in doing anything about huge industrial polluters. It seems that huge corporations make campaign contributions and have lots of expensive lawyers, which average citizens don't. It's easier for politicians to keep up good appearances by making it look like they're doing something about the environment by going after the easy targets instead the actual root of the problem.

Sorry, the weather is making me just a wee bit crabby. It helps to vent these frustrations. Really. A bit.

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