Saturday, January 07, 2006

Trip journal

Unfortunately, Norah and I came down sick with some kind of flu or chest cold right as we were getting back from our big trip. I had great ideas about using this blog as a daily journal of our trip as we were going, which obviously didn't happen. With everything else that was going on, I never seemed to find time to sit down and type it all up.

What I do want to do is go back and fill in the details after the fact. This site used to allow for changing the date of a post. I'm not sure yet if I want to do that or not. It will make more sense if things are listed on the days they actually happened, but it will also make it more difficult for anyone to find the new posts. Either way, I would like to get some of the things from our trip recorded here, mostly just for ourselves more than anything. Several times this year when we were home, I noticed that many of us in the family were trying to remember things that had happened in past years, either exactly what had happened, or when it happened, or who was there. I realized that things like this are the reason for keeping some kind of journal. We've got one here, might as well use it.

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