Saturday, December 22, 2007

Are we all gerbils?

Okay, I just now saw a TV commercial for the Oral-B® Triumph™ with SmartGuide™ ProfessionalCare™ 9900. This is a toothbrush that communicates via radio frequency with the base station that sits on your counter while you're brushing. The base station has a display to tell you how long to brush in each quadrant of your mouth. It also displays a warning if you're brushing too hard, and at the end of brushing, it rewards you with a cute little digital smiley face to enjoy with your freshly brushed teeth.

Ummm... people? Have we really, seriously, actually gotten so uselessly stupid that we can't figure out how long we need to brush our teeth without an electronic nanny?

I'm waiting for the shoe tying assistant, the nose-blowing robotic arm, and a little electronic diagram that shows you how long to chew your food at each meal.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

More RIAA antics

Radio stations want Congress to look into major label recording contracts

It appears the RIAA might have awakened a sleeping giant. Hopefully they get soundly pummeled, as they so richly deserve.

More coverage at Slashdot.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Scorched 3D

For anyone who remembers the old DOS game Scorched Earth, now there's Scorched 3D - A 3D Remake Of Scorched Earth. Brings back memories of Cirque. I don't even want to know how much of their time we wasted on that game. I'm trying very, very, very hard to resist the temptation to waste all my free time on the new version.

(No) Thanks to Matt for pointing it out. :-)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Microsoft Giving Away Vista Ultimate, With a Catch

Slashdot | Microsoft Giving Away Vista Ultimate, With a Catch

Desperation, or just experimentation with a new and exciting method of spyware distribution? Possibly both.
